In a world where a single Zoom call can change the life of a sixth grader, ASME’s DropMEIn! program isn’t only a virtual classroom visit but a gateway to the endless possibilities of the next generation.
Through ASME’s K-12 programs, over 150,000 young hearts and minds are guided by real-life heroes who sow the seeds of curiosity and ambition. With each click of a video link, ASME engineers are bridging the dreams of young students to shape a future that’s as bright as their imagination.
DropMEIn! taps ASME’s extensive network of professional engineers who are paired with participating schools. ASME staff professionals work collaboratively with the Discovery Education team to develop engineering content and digital experiences designed to illuminate the role of engineers and engineering as global problem-solvers. Interestingly, engineering is the only STEM discipline not typically included in schools’ core curriculum, so INSPIRE fills a critical gap in students’ learning.