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Giving Options

A gift to ASME, thoughtfully and comprehensively planned, may allow you to benefit while giving. A wide range of gifting options is available for ASME members.

A Gift In Your Will Or Living Trust

Interested in helping ASME Foundation but feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up your assets today? A simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure we can continue our work is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest. A bequest to the ASME Foundation in your will or living trust is not taxable, due to the unlimited federal deduction for bequests to charitable organizations.

Charitable Gift Annuities

A charitable gift annuity allows you to support the Foundation’s work while receiving fixed payments for life (and the life of your spouse, if you choose). When you create a charitable gift annuity with the Foundation, there can be a variety of tax benefits, including a federal income tax charitable deduction and the opportunity to structure the annuity in a way so that part of the payment to you is non-taxable or a tax-advantaged return of the capital gain on appreciated assets with which you choose to fund the charitable gift annuity.

Beneficiary Designations

Passionate about continuing to support ASME Foundation’s mission – even after your lifetime? Name the Foundation as a beneficiary to receive assets such as retirement plans and life insurance policies after you’re gone. You simply fill out a form that is entirely separate from your will—which makes this approach an easy way to give.

Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs)

A charitable remainder trust offers a wide range of benefits. This trust makes annual payments to you (and your spouse, if you wish) fixed at a specific percentage of the annual value of the trust (known as a “unitrust”) or a specific percentage of the value of the trust at the time it was established (known as an “annuity trust”).  On the death of the life beneficiary (or beneficiaries), the remainder passes to ASME Foundation, possibly as an endowment fund.  Some advantages of a CRT include providing you and possibly your spouse with annual payments for life (with the potential for growth in those payments if you select the unitrust alternative); obtaining capital gains tax advantages; removing assets from your taxable estate; and taking a federal income tax charitable deduction.

Advisory Funds

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to support ASME Foundation and its programs? With an advisory fund, you can transfer cash or other assets to ASME Foundation, and recommend the ASME Foundation activities that you would like ASME Foundation to fund with your gift, such as scholarships or ASME Foundation programs focused on STEM education. Gifts to an ASME Foundation advisory fund are eligible for an immediate federal income tax charitable deduction, even if your recommendations are made over a period of years.

Endowment Funds

An endowment gift to ASME Foundation today provides a brighter picture for our future. When you establish an endowment fund, you give a gift with both immediate and long-term benefits. Endowment donations are invested for the long term, subject to the withdrawal of annual amount (known as the “draw”) that is used to fund ASME Foundation activities—such as scholarships, awards & honors, and other charitable programs—on an ongoing basis.   The “principal” of the fund (including any income and gains not spent as part of the annual “draw”) remains invested so that it can continue to grow and thus provide a permanent source of ongoing support.  You can establish an endowment fund with a lifetime gift or a gift under your will.  Or you can create an endowment fund during your lifetime and then, under your will, make a bequest to the endowment fund of a more substantial amount.  An endowment fund—designed to last in perpetuity—is named for you or for someone you wish to honor.

Create Your Legacy

The ASME Foundation is pleased to offer yet another membership benefit: free access to Giving Docs, where members can easily create a will and other estate planning documents in just a few minutes free of charge.

The information contained here is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.

Our Donation Forms
Individual Pledge Form