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Engineers Build The Future.
Help Us Build Theirs.

The ASME Foundation supports next generation engineers through proven and powerful programs that address every stage of an engineer’s journey, from early inspiration and learning to career engagement and the development of life-changing innovations that improve quality of life.

By joining one of the ASME Foundation’s Giving Societies, you build an enduring legacy and empower the next generation of engineers. Your gift supports ASME Foundation programs that inspire ideas, ignite passion, and develop future engineering leaders.

Change Makers Circle

Established in 2024, the Change Makers Circle is a giving society named for donors who are committed to supporting change through monthly sustainer giving.

Robert Appleby
Susan Ipri Brown
Nicole Dyess
Dorothy Keskitalo
Richard Kovacs
A.J. McPhate
James Peterson
Ryan Reardon
Anand Sethupathy
Mary Grace Stefanchik
James Strunk
David Wright

The Thomas Edison Society ($250–$999)

Established in 2019, The Edison Society is named in honor of America’s greatest inventor, pioneer of innovation, and member of ASME, Thomas Alva Edison. Comprised of ASME members who provide unrestricted gifts of $250 or more during a single fiscal year to the ASME Foundation.

Gerald Andre
Anthony Arbore
Clyde Babcock
Joseph Banas
Kenneth Bean
John Becque
Gregory Beecher
Tom Behringer
Delfo Bianchini
Andrew Bicos
William Bish
David Blanco
Jack Blaylock
Michael Bohse
William Borter
George Boyadjieff
Dave Bradfield
Jesse Buggs
Michael Cahill
Christopher Cantrell
Ying Chen
Tsu-Wei Chou
Clifford Chou
Peter Cole
Thomas Cooper
Gretchen Crutchfield
Ayodeji Demuren
Vallabh Dhudshia
Frank Diebold
Lee Dodgion
William Doran
Michael Drosjack
Eric Ducharme
Robert Eberhart
Eric Eckberg
Morley Farquar
Xue Feng
Mark Finley
E. Burrell Fisher
Freeman Fraim
Byron Fujikawa
Joseph Gallagher
Robert Gebbia
Robert Giardina
Jacques Giovanola
Donald Glover
Jessica Gmeinder
Timothy Graves
Leland Griffith
Mindy Grinnan
Changiz Habibvand
Kenneth Handy
William Hanna
Maureen Hart
Thomas Healy
Josh Heitsenrether
Ryan Hendricks
Dennis Henneke
Kenneth Hickman
Allen Hoffman
Robert Hooks
W.Gordon Hunt
Nichole Ipach
Susan Ipri Brown
Richard Jackson
Marshall Jones
Edward Jones
John Jones
Katie Kermaani
H. Ezzat Khalifa
Yong Ku Kim
Robert Klemm
Julie Kulik
Kishor Kulkarni
Thomas Larson
Janos Laszlo
Hersheng Lin
Karl Linck
Donald Lincoln
Lonnie Love
Suzanne Loyd
Yinji Ma
Andrea Mahoney
Leigh McCue-Weil
Thomas McKeown
Charles Moore
Harold Morgan
Peter Nagle
Harry Palmer
George Papadopoulos
Shahrokh Parhizgar
Johné Parker
Eli Paster
Surykant Patel
Richard Phillips
Kenneth Porter
Ramamoorthy Ramesh
Kelly Ratchford
William Ray
Ryan Reardon
John Richards
Paul Rosenbaum
Robert Schuman
Craig Scott
Edmund Seiders
Tim Shinbara
Kirby Slear
Ronald Smelser
William Smilie
Neal Spence
Mary Grace Stefanchik
Paul Sturgill
Lester Su
Leonard Suelter
Janis Terpenny
Bruce Thayer
John Tichy
Masayoshi Tomizuka
Wen Tong
Houssam Toutanji
Marshall Trantham
Zachary Tudor
Marc Ullman
Edward Walsh
Hairui Wang
Heling Wang
Thomas Weaver
Chen Wei
Alan Wendorf
Carla White
Guy Norman Williams
James Wilson
Christopher Wilson
Yao Zhang

The Alexander Holley Society ($1,000)

The Alexander Holley Society was established in 2011 in honor of Alexander Lyman Holley (1832–1882), a mechanical engineer who helped found ASME and revolutionized steel production in the United States. It recognizes the leadership of individuals who make an annual commitment of $1,000 or more to the ASME Foundation.

Shorya Awtar
Kenneth Balkey
Oscar Barton
Zdenek Bazant
John Becque
Andrew Bicos
Gautam Biswas
Keith Bloesch
Daisie Boettner
Gwendolyn Boyd
Emily Boyd
Lisa Bressler
Stephen Brunkhorst
Jian Cao
James Carter
Alan Wing Chan
Steve Chisholm
Chandra Clouden
Keyanna Conner
Thomas Costabile
Bonnie Costabile
Joseph Davidson
Lynden Davis
Warren DeVries
Nicole Dyess
Alvin Filstrup
James Froula
Robert Gao
MaryAnn Gillette
Brian Grant
Thomas Greider
Edward Grood
Kalan Guiley
Artis Hampshire-Cowan
Je-Chin Han
C Brett Harrison
John Hasselmann
Bob Hauck
Robert Herbster
Haiyan Hu
Jensen Hughes
Patricia Hunt
Eric James
Maan Jawad
Jennifer Jewers Bowlin
Erik Johnson
Barbara Johnson
Michael Johnson
Rosemary Jones
Robert Keating
Beverly Koski
Kathleen Kosmoski
Madiha Kotb
Thomas Kurfess
Ritesh Lakhkar
Karen Lee
Thomas Longlais
Calvin Mackie
Stephen Mader
Y. Mai
Tobi Majekodunmi
Robert Manross
Roy Mansell
Alexander Marrero Laureano
Camelia Mazard
David McClure
Helen Mearns
Thomas Meehan
Keith Miles
Jayathi Murthy
Sreekant Narumanchi
Jessica Oakes
Jared Oehring
Karen Ohland
Kyle ONeill
Jeffrey Patterson
Henry Peelle
Thomas Pestorius
Jean Marie Pintus
Allian Pratt
William Racine
Devesh Ranjan
Guruswami Ravichandran
Ryan Reardon
Christine Reilley
John Robinson
Randall Roe
Steven Rutter
Luis San Andres
Serita Sanders
Douglas Scarth
A Edward Scherer
James Schmidt
Anand Sethupathy
Terry Shoup
Carmen Sidbury
J Robert Sims
Robert Skaggs
Susan Skemp
Sonya Smith
Janay Smith
Nancy Sottos
Walter Sperko
Stuart Speyer
Mary Grace Stefanchik
Arthur Stephens
William Sterrett
John Swanson
Yulin Tan
Pooja Thakkar
David Thompson
John Thompson
Robert Tzou
Michael Vardaro
Patrick Vieth
Stephanie Viola
Bruce Warwick
Thomas Washburn
Larry Welch
Dawn White
John Wiechel
David Wright
Sam Zamrik
Mohamed Zarrugh

The Lewis Howard Latimer Society ($10,000–$24,999)

Inventor and engineer Lewis Howard Latimer was born to parents who had fled slavery. Latimer learned the art of mechanical drawing while working at a patent firm. Over the course of his career as a draftsman, Latimer worked closely with Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell, in addition to designing his own inventions.

Frank Adamek
Mostafa Aghazadeh
Kenneth & Ruth Anne Balkey
Sidney Bernsen
Lisa Bessler
Gwendolyn Boyd
Elah Bozorg-Grayel
Thomas & Bonnie Costabile
Lynden Davis
Philip DiVietro
Paul Drouin
Gerry Eisenberg
Jeanette Graham
Bob Hauck
Jennifer Jewers Bowlin
Robert Keating
Karen Lee
Shuji Nakamura
Jared Oehring
Thomas & Ruth Pestorius
Keith & Elizabeth Roe
Anand Sethupathy
Terry & Betsy Shoup
John Swanson
Patrick Vieth
John Wiechel
Huayong Yang

The Lillian Moller Gilbreth Society ($25,000–$99,999)

One of the first female engineers, Lillian Moller Gilbreth worked with her husband, Frank, to invent ‘time and motion study,’ analyzing ways to make industrial processes, office tasks, and housework more efficient, reduce human error, and enhance the safety and satisfaction of workers. Gilbreth became the first female engineering professor at Purdue University. In 1965, Gilbreth was the first woman elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

Kenneth Balkey
Thomas & Bonnie Costabile
Gerry Eisenberg
Bryan Erler
Keith & Elizabeth Roe
John Swanson
Mary Anna Wilson

The James Watt Society ($100,000–$499,999)

James Watt was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved on Thomas Newcomen’s 1712 Newcomen steam engine in 1776, which was fundamental to the changes brought by the Industrial Revolution in both his native Great Britain and the rest of the world.

Zdenek Bazant
Richard Goldstein
Edward Grood
Keith & Elizabeth Roe

The Kate Gleason Society ($500,000–$999,999)

Known for several engineering and business firsts including: first female member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, first female president of a national bank, first woman appointed as the receiver of a bankrupt company and first female member of the American Concrete Institute. She was the first woman to be admitted to study engineering at Cornell University.

John Swanson

The George Westinghouse Society ($1m+)

George Westinghouse is best known for inventing an air brake system that made railroads safer and promoting alternating current technology, which revolutionized the world’s light and power industries. George Westinghouse was one of the most prolific inventors and businessmen of the Industrial Revolution. After serving in the Union Army and Navy, he patented several devices, particularly for railroads. He would eventually start the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company to improve alternating current (AC) power generators.

John Swanson

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